Thursday, February 16, 2012

Endurance sports nutrition: Keep hydrated and fuel is

What keeps a triathlon athlete go despite the heat and long hours strong physical activity is a body properly hydrated and fueled. In the endurance sports nutrition keep hydrated at all times, especially during the game. If you are proper nutrition not, who needs there, the performance of the game will suffer.

Sports that require special attention, stamina (and thus help level to top your performance) are diet: running, swimming, Triathlon, cycling, rowing, mountain bike tours, adventure, racing, cross country skiing, mountain climbing and trekking.

Let us say, that you are prepared for an endurance sport. Their diet focuses on you enough fuel, you take a day of vigorous physical activity. She eat food rich in protein to your muscles fit for the game to keep and carbohydrates you enough energy and fuel to run your muscles quickly, constantly and consistently. What can you do, perform much better in endurance sports?

Here, some endurance sports nutrition of athletes and coaches are recommended:

Endurance sports nutrition tip hydrate yourself

1. Start your day with a full tank water.

Athletes food not during a game. But they drink water. Studies show, people now know, that people can take a month without food, but dies instantly without water for 3 days up to a week. This is how important water is to our body.

Many people die from diarrhea because of dehydration. Hydration is a key component of diet for humans, especially to athletes in the endurance sports. Thus the endurance nutrition tip from athletes and coaches sports: drink plenty of water before the game.

Hydration is the key to the win endurance sport competition. And drinking water before the game puts you in a big advantage.

2. Hydrate themselves regularly during the game.

Drink often during the game. The most endurance sports books are diets tell you the same. Athletes in endurance sports sweat from two litres of water per hour, especially in hot and humid weather. So, you need to drink at least four to eight ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes. Sports drink can replace even water.

Here is some tip that endurance nutrition books sport can have not you said: laying you know when it is time to swallow on your bottle of water or sports drink, timer, alarm-every 15 or 20 minutes 24 hours.

Freeze your drinking bottles and then put in isolated foams it to keep cool. Even if you sweat not nor swallow the liquid into your water bottle. You may know it not, and can not determine, it may sweat more than you think.

3. Pack extra bottles.

To wear when you can drink bottles. Afraid you not to look like a camel with additional hump on his back. You need these liquids in your endurance sport. It will go and keep in shape.

In addition, you will allow these bottles is a one time every 15 or 20 minutes drain off. At this rate, you may not even know that sports drinks have endurance down your esophagus pipe was drained.

Endurance sports nutrition question: water or sports drink?

In the endurance sports nutrition, it was discussed, whether water or sports drink should be consumed by an athlete in endurance sports.

Research has shown that endurance athletes sport (under the sweltering heat of the Sun), with water as a means of transport even moisturizing replace only one and 01: 30 third of fluid loss, while those who were given with sports drink hydration to shown almost one hundred percent were.

The reason for this is that sports drink containing electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium) that help, keep fluid in the body and balance of the presence of these minerals that are vital in normal bodily function.

If we lose sweating, we electrolytes. Irregular heartbeat, dizziness, muscle cramps and extreme exhaustion symptoms are loss of electrolytes in the body.

Depending on the endurance of nutrition experts, many athletes lose stamina due to the low level of electrolytes. In fact, the after endurance sports nutrition journals, some athletes even through the loss of electrolytes.
Posted by bywarriorat1: 58 AM

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